

I’ve started out every year with printmaking for the past few years now.  It involves paint/ink, making a mess and the potential to learn a new method of working and some new vocabulary.  We talk about mono printing, relief printing, and intaglio printing along with learning such words as, carve, brayer, plate, Plexiglas, ink, etc.

We start with mono printing

Here the students is applying the ink/paint.

Next is using the brayer to roll the ink out evenly

Here the student is just making a quick scribble because I’m taking pictures to show the various steps the student has to go through for the making of a mono print

In this step the paper is being laid gently down on plate with the design.

Then the pulling of the print.

Here’s the final piece.  It goes pretty quick and the students have to take turns going around the table.


This is a short vid of a a young student making a mono-print.



6 responses to “Mono-Printing

  1. hey mr. tayse it is me logan hayes from the 7th grade hello. Well, “hi” right back at ‘ya.

  2. Wow, I’m in 7th grade, that comment was in 2018! So long ago, well not that long but… Bye!

    • I graduated last year! I couldn’t even remember making this comment but I’m glad you’re seeing it now as you’re in the same shoes I was. you got a long journey ahead of you and I wish you luck. Keep your grades up and enjoy the little things. 💪😁👍

  3. Great to hear from you! I’m retired now, best of luck in your upcoming high school years.

    • I was in your digital arts class all so long ago Mr.Tayse. I’m glad to hear you’re finally retired. you were my favorite teacher throughout middle school. best of luck and enjoy your retirement

  4. Thanks for the kind words, crazy to hear from the both of you! Logan, I’m glad you’re out of school and I hope all is well for you and yours!

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