Category Archives: Mandalas

Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Mandalas

This week continues the design theme that is running throughout all the classes at this point.  With the early grades we are still spending time on middle, edge, design,  balance, drawing lightly, and following directions.  Making mandalas is a great way to continue with designs, and introduce the concept of symmetry and lots of other math concepts.  I’ll be adding more math in the future, right now I’m just trying to establish the mandala design format.

We start out by doing small sketches and practice drawings of the mandala idea.

We follow the practice drawings up with larger examples.  The focus here is to get the younger students to understand a bit about design, balance and symmetry.  It’s also another way to help increase motor skills and work with shape recognition and creation.

We also paint the designs.  This is nice to make sure they fully understand the concept of symmetry and mandalas, plus it is highly motivating for younger students to finish the regular work with paper, pencils, and crayons.  They will  pretty much do anything I ask in order to stick their hands in paint.


All of the above is done in the art room, at Believe to Achieve Academy in Canton, Ohio.  The principal is Ms. L. Henry, the art teacher is Mr. Tayse.