Category Archives: Jr. Hi. Play

Jr. Hi Play-2015

Below are some shots of students working on various parts of the stage scenery.  It came out wonderfully and I could not be any happier with their work!













DSCN5555The shot above is one of the Abby’s stabbing styrofoam with a kitchen knife and carving it into Dr. Seuss inspired bushes,  she will be painting them later.

So the next play is Seussical.  The Elementary art department, along with a few Jr. Hi students and one(Ms. Abbey) is doing all the backgrounds and set decorations for the play.  This is my second time doing this, so It’s still a learning experience for all involved.

DSCN5556Ms. Karley is painting a Dr. Seuss inspired background poster in the above picture.


Here is Ms. Jordan painting the large background.  It’s her first time working from a ladder and painting on a large mural.  It looks great so far!

Jr. Hi. Play

Doing the stage scenery was great fun.  This post used to be a tab at the top and was used for updates.  So it might read a bit weird.   

mixed 9.11.14 004Here is Ms. Josie finishing up her Jukebox.

mixed 9.11.14 005Kylie and Leah finishing up a poster to hang below the front stage

mixed 9.11.14 008Here is Bradley putting the finishing touches on his jukebox.

mixed 9.11.14 009

mixed 9.11.14 001

mixed 9.11.14 002Leah and Kylie immersed in the throes of creation.

mixed 9.11.14 003Here Jaidan is inking up a drawing by Abby C.

mixed 9.11.14 002Here is Kylie holding up the poster she made of one of the characters in the play. She is standing on a chair, because it’s a bit taller than she is.

mixed 9.11.14 067Here is Ms. Josie putting the finishing touches on her poster for adjectives. The lettering is not done here, so you can’t see it very well, but it came out great.

mixed 9.11.14 068Here is Abbey working on numbers.  Ms. Wolford is needing all the multiples of three for a scene in the play.

mixed 9.11.14Here is a shot of Kylie  B. and Josie R.  working on the backdrop, that is a map of the United States.  It’s getting close to being done!

DSCN4063This is the basic design of what is going on the t-shirt and the front of the program.  Ms. Leah did it all herself!

DSCN4062I think this is Ms. Jaiden painting the United States map.

DSCN4048The above picture is Bradley drawing the Capital building for the play.

DSCN4056Ms. B and Josie are painting the circulatory system.

I’m going to be putting information about doing the stage scenery for the Jr. Hi. play here.

So far here is a summation/first draft of what we are going to be working on