Category Archives: Drawing


Drawing zentangles can be fun, enjoyable, or boring.  It really depends upon the student.  Most like it and it gives us a loose format and form to create with.   I also get to rehash and introduce all kinds of design terms that I’d like them to remember.




A nice easy, step by step zentangle approach



Kitchen Drawings


Over the past few months I’ve had students draw various parts of their house with a focus being on the kitchen. We started with taking measurements and drawing floor plans, then drawing some of the appliances and details particular to their kitchen. This was done while at school we worked on making and drawing various geometric solids.  The idea being that learning to draw the solids would make the proper drawing of the kitchen successful.

kitchen 3.14.14 014Trinity did a nice job with her kitchen.

kitchen 3.11.14 007


kitchen 3.11.14 003Megan did very well with this shot from above.




kitchen 3.11.14 008




kitchen 3.14.14 011All of the pieces look better in real life.  I still have trouble getting a good picture of a black and whit line drawing.  I need to learn a bit more about photo editing.



kitchen 3.14.14 009


kitchen 3.14.14 010


kitchen 3.14.14 013


kitchen 3.14.14 005


kitchen 3.14.14 007


kitchen 3.11.14 008


kitchen 3.14.14 003



Drawing Geometric Solids, Mostly 8th Grade

completed solids 8th grade 12.5.13 033I figure I’d better start separating the grades so the students could find their own work a bit easier.

more solids 12.4.13 004

more solids 12.4.13 003.jpgreThe one and only Riley did a great set of geometric solids.  Wonderful to see!

more solids 12.4.13 002

more solids 12.4.13 001.jpgre

The two above are examples done by Ms. Anna,  AKA Margie.  She always does a great job!

more solids 12.4.13 009.jpgre

more solids 12.4.13 008.jpgre

more solids 12.4.13 010Tyler did a great job on his geometric solids project.  Your hard work paid off with good results!

more solids 12.4.13 011A great arrangement of the assignment.

more solids 12.4.13 005Good shading, drawing, and close to finishing.

more solids 12.4.13 006.jpgre

This student, whom I’ll call Ms. R refuses to let me take her picture, and yet she does nice work when she wants to.